Development in the first three years
Course Outline:
· This course takes you inside the baby’s world to reveal the processes behind the miraculous transformation from a helpless organism to a walking, talking, thinking human being.
· In the beginning—just how much can the new baby see, hear, smell, taste and understand? When and how does it learn to identify its parents?
· First Steps—Learn to recognise baby’s determined attempts to move, to sit up, to crawl and finally walk.
· Taking Hold—A new born can grasp at a finger, a two year old has mastered complex manual dexterity and creativity. Watch this rapid development
· Word of Mouth—A baby can learn language— in three years. See the progress from gurgles to storytelling.
· The Thinker—The often unnoticed development of reasoning, thinking and problem solving. Understand what is
happening when baby plays.
· You and Me—In three years, children establish important relationships with their parents, with adults and with each other. Be alert the subtleties of shyness, jealousy and making friends.
Watch the video for each chapter and while watching complete the questions for the relative chapter. Click on the link on the right to download the questions.
Once completed, email the completed questions to Sophie at for them to be marked and a certificate will be issued for each chapter.