Brown Bear News
12 February 2015
The children of Brown Bear Childcare have been helping with recruitment by listing the qualities that they would like in their nursery staff member.
The children watched the scene from Mary Poppins where Jane & Michael sing their requirements to their disgruntled Father.
They were then invited to make their own list.
Children's comments included; 'make me happy', 'give cuddles when I cry', 'help me pull my pants up', 'I like it when they wear costumes to nursery, this makes me happy & laugh', 'I'd like a nice lady or a nice boy', 'we don't want somebody grumpy like the man in the film!'
Click here for staff vacancies
Staff Paediatric First Aid
20 January 2015
Staff from all our settings have been up-dating our Pediatric First Aid skills at Brown Bear Learning Hub - with First Aid Training Stockport
Elsa Visits Brown Bear Nurseries
20 December 2014
In the run up to Christmas we have had a special visit from the Queen of Arendale
People who help us
21 August 2014
A fantastic example of 'in the moment planning' today at our Bredbury nursery. An unsuspecting ambulance crew made a stop outside the nursery at lunch. We quickly took the children outside to have a closer look. The ambulance crew asked if we would like a peek inside...they very kindly let the children have a quick climb into the back of the ambulance to see what was inside, and the driver gave us a demonstration of the blue flashing lights!
Back in nursery the staff quickly seized the moment and provided the children with the stimulus to explore this event..... the children looked at books, discussed the exciting visit, drew pictures and painted the ambulance. They got out the emergency vehicles and prepared to make a role play area of the inside of an ambulance....all this from the impromptu lunch time stop of the ambulance in the lay-bay outside nursery - brilliant!! that crew wont stop there again for a quiet lunch ;)
Leading Parent Partnership Award
07 August 2014
We are working towards our Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA)
Brown Bear Learning Hub
23 September 2013
Our Brown Bear Learning Hub is now open and taking bookings for places